
2023-04-16 10:00:00

A exibição do fogo de artifício será cancelada se chover?

Não, a exibição de fogo-de-artifício será realizada.


O espectáculo de fogo-de-artifício Atami é realizado com chuva ou brilho.

Contudo, a exibição de fogo de artifício será cancelada em caso de tufões ou outras chuvas fortes, ondas altas ou ventos fortes que possam pôr em perigo os visitantes.

No dia da exibição dos fogos de artifício, os fogos de artifício são activados às 12:00 e 17:00.

Se ouvir o som dos fogos de artifício várias vezes durante estas horas, isso é um sinal para o evento desta noite.

Após a exibição dos fogos de artifício no sábado, os comboios ficarão muito lotados. Poderá haver filas de espera para entrar na estação.

Aconselham-se os caminhoneiros a comprar os seus bilhetes de regresso com antecedência.



2023-04-14 14:06:00

If it rains, will the fireworks display be cancelled?

No, the fireworks display will be held.

Fireworks displays in Atami are held rain or shine.


However, if there is a risk of danger to visitors due to typhoon-like sideways rain, high tides, or strong winds, the event will be canceled.

On days when there is a fireworks display, fireworks will be signalled at  12:00, and 17:00.

If you hear the sound of fireworks several times during those times, it is a signal that the event will be held tonight.

Trains will be very crowded after the fireworks show on Saturday. You may have to wait in line to enter the station.


If you intend to take a day trip, please purchase a round-trip ticket in advance.



2023-04-07 10:01:00

Atami organise également des feux d'artifice en dehors des mois d'été.

La ville d'Atami organise un feu d'artifice tous les mois, sauf en novembre.



Le feu d'artifice le plus proche a lieu le 14 avril. Le feu d'artifice a lieu de 20 h 20 à 20 h 40.

Le samedi, il y aura beaucoup de monde. Après le feu d'artifice, il se peut qu'il y ait une file d'attente pour entrer dans la gare d'Atami.


Les visiteurs d'un jour sont priés d'acheter leur billet de retour avant d'arriver à la gare d'Atami.



Les feux d'artifice d'Atami sont très puissants et leur son résonne dans tout le corps lorsque vous les voyez sur la plage. Bien qu'ils soient courts, ils valent la peine d'être vus ! Ne vous inquiétez pas, le spectacle aura lieu même s'il pleut, à moins qu'un typhon n'arrive.


2023-04-07 10:00:00

Fireworks displays are held in Atami even outside of summer!

Atami City holds a fireworks display every month except November.

The nearest fireworks display is on April 14. The time of the event is from 20:20 to 20:40.



The Saturday event will be very crowded. After the fireworks display, there may be a line to enter Atami Station.

For day-trippers, please purchase your return ticket first when you arrive at Atami Station.


There is a convenience store on the beach, but it becomes scarce on fireworks night. Restaurants also have to wait a very long time or be turned down if you do not have a reservation. Please be careful.

Atami's fireworks are very powerful with a sound that resonates through your body when you see them on the beach.

The show is short, but well worth seeing! Don't worry, the show will be held even if it rains, unless a typhoon comes.


2023-04-07 09:58:00














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