
2023-04-20 10:00:00

Located in front of Atami Station, the foot bath using natural hot springs

Constructed in March 2004, this footbath attracts many visitors every day. Anyone can enjoy it free of charge without having to change into a bathing suit.

All the hot water is pumped out after 4:00 p.m. and cleaned the next morning, so it is very clean. New hot water is re-filled and the footbath is "free-flowing.

Please feel free to bring your own towel or purchase one from the vending machine that sells original towels for 100 yen (tax included).

Business hours are from 9:00 to 16:00, and the hot water is drained after business hours.

Temperature/approx. 41°C (source 68°C), spring quality/sodium calcium chloride spring, efficacy/neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, bruises, chronic digestive diseases, sensitivity to cold, relief from fatigue, cuts, burns, etc.

2023-04-17 10:00:00

Delicious way to eat Bitter Orange Yokan

Most Japanese people cut it into 2 to 3 cm pieces and eat it with unsweetened Japanese tea or matcha.


It is also recommended to cut this bitter orange yokan into thin slices and bake them on toast or eat them on crackers.

The ingredients of tai tai yokan are sugar, white beans, orange, syrup, and agar agar. No eggs, oil or gelatin are used.

It is a gluten-free candy. Shelf life before opening is 4 months at room temperature.

After opening, it can be sealed and stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.


2023-04-16 10:01:00

En cas de pluie, le feu d'artifice sera-t-il annulé ?

Non, le feu d'artifice aura lieu.


Le feu d'artifice d'Atami aura lieu, qu'il pleuve ou qu'il vente.

Toutefois, il sera annulé s'il y a un risque de pluie latérale de type typhon, de fortes vagues ou de vents violents susceptibles de mettre en danger les visiteurs.

Les jours où il y a un feu d'artifice, les feux d'artifice sont signalés à 12h00 et à 17h00.

Si vous entendez le son d'un feu d'artifice à plusieurs reprises à ces heures, il s'agit d'un signal pour le feu d'artifice de ce soir.

Après le feu d'artifice de samedi, les trains seront très bondés. Il peut y avoir des files d'attente pour entrer en gare.

Si vous faites une excursion d'une journée, veuillez acheter votre billet aller-retour à l'avance.



2023-04-16 10:00:00








周六的烟花表演结束后,火车会非常拥挤。 你可能需要排队才能进站。




2023-04-16 10:00:00

비가 오면 불꽃놀이가 취소되나요?

아니요, 불꽃놀이는 진행됩니다.


아타미 불꽃놀이는 우천・강풍에 관계없이 개최됩니다.

단, 태풍 수준의 폭우나 높은 파도, 강풍으로 인해 관람객에게 위험이 발생할 우려가 있는 경우에는 중지됩니다.

불꽃놀이가 있는 날에는 12:00와 17:00에 불꽃놀이 신호가 있다.

이 시간에 반복적으로 불꽃놀이 소리가 들리면 오늘 밤 불꽃놀이가 시작된다는 신호입니다.

토요일 불꽃놀이가 끝나면 전철은 매우 혼잡하다. 역에 들어가기 위해 줄을 서야 할 수도 있다.

당일치기로 가는 경우, 귀가 티켓을 미리 구입하는 것이 좋다.



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