Tokiwagi Yokanten has a branch at Atami Plum Garden
Tokiwagi Yokanten has a branch at an Atami’s sightseeing spot called “Atami Baien” where you can enjoy the earliest plum blooming in Japan. Buy Japanese green tea together with Tsurukichi Yokan and take them home!
Powered Matcha Tea
The powdered green tea from Shizuoka that local people drink daily (It’s like Broken Orange Pekoe tea of green tea)
Our quick brew special green tea with matcha powder is popular among Japanese people and they even place an order to get one!
Since this is an Atami Baien limited product, you can only buy it here. Check it out!
The package design based on Japanese Ukiyo-e is perfect for souvenirs. 500 yen for 100g per bag.
Buy two, get one free!
How to make a delicious tea
In Japan, we use teapots with a tea strainer called Kyusu (You can get one at 100-yen shops). Place a coffee filter or tea strainer on a mug, put one teaspoon of tea leaves and pour hot water from the top (so that the tea leaves soak evenly!) After about a minute, remove the tea leaves and drink. The point is not to leave tea leaves inside.
熱海市特産品かつ「代々(=橙)家や事業が繁栄」しますように、という縁起物。とお渡しする時の話題にも事欠きません。 だけど駅から店まで行くのがめんどくさい!という、そこのあなた。熱海駅の駅ビル内「熱海ブランド」アンテナショップにも売っていますからご安心ください!!つるきちようかんは常温3ヵ月で税込み1300円。0557-81-4421/不定休
Tsurukichi Yokan "daidai"(Bitter Orange)
It’s a fruit in tangerine species, which has most harvest amount in Japan here in our Atami city! During winter, the fruit turns to “daidai (orange) color” and then goes back to green without falling from the tree. Then, it turns back to orange color again next year. It is believed to bring success, and is used as decoration on New Year’s rice cake or New Year’s door decoration. With is strong aroma and refreshing taste, we recommend you to cool it before eating. Please enjoy this with Japanese tea, coffee or black tea as you like.
Awards received
New product selection of Fuji no Kuni, Golden Award
Monde selection Silver Award
International Taste & Quality Institute (ITQI) 2 stars award
An authorized Atami brand product
Tokiwagi Yokanten Pte. Ltd
9-1 Ginza-cho, Atami-shi, Shizuoka-ken Japan 4130013
羊羹COLLECTION in ニューヨークにおいて、富士山最大の伏流水である柿田川湧水を使用した鶴吉羊羹を発表した記事が湯河原新聞に掲載されました。